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Insurance Claims

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We Take On Insurance Companies When Insurance Coverage Disputes Arise After An Accident

People who buy insurance policies often believe they know what they are paying for, what is covered and how to file a claim. Insurers, however, work hard to stay abreast of changes in the law that may allow them to make exclusions and effectively skirt responsibility for covering damages and losses. Insurance companies work to discover new loopholes that allow them to delay or deny coverage to policyholders, rewrite policies, send “riders” in the mail to policyholders and otherwise reduce the effectiveness of policies, often without policyholders realizing what changes have occurred.

Clients often turn to Carey Law Firm, P.C., for help with insurance claims that become problematic. Problems typically occur when the insurer for the negligent party refuses to accept responsibility for an accident or refuses to pay medical bills or lost wages. Sometimes, however, it is our client’s own insurance company that refuses to make good on a policy.

When People Entitled To Benefits Are Not Aware Of All Sources Of Insurance Applicable To Their Circumstances

Sometimes injured parties are in line to receive insurance coverage from negligent parties’ insurers — but the injured are not informed of all applicable policies or coverage such as health insurance, medical payments, and uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. Workers’ compensation claims may complicate the situation and make it challenging or impossible for an ordinary person to sort out and collect from all liable sources. Our attorneys advise and represent people affected by denied insurance claims, insurance subrogation, and other complexities.

You Have The Right To Be Made Whole For The Totality Of Your Damages

The earlier in an insurance battle you contact our law firm, the more comprehensively we can help resolve a dispute over a policy, a claim or compensation you should have received. We can save you time and trouble while cutting through bureaucracy, paperwork, and evasive practices by insurance companies that stand in the way of the benefits and compensation to which you are entitled.

Contact Us To Discuss Your Legal Issue

Get answers and help today. Whatever the circumstances, call a lawyer at our Missoula law office today at 406-728-0011 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.